Is It Time To Get A Call Center For Your Law Firm?

The first, major shift, already taking place on Google Search results ranking, is moving towards the business’ responsiveness when populating Google My Business (Google Maps), and Google’s Local Service ad listings.   Think about it this way;  we know Google has been working towards a goal the last few years, to increase 0-click searches on the Google results page.   IF my goal is to get searchers the information and connect the most relevant business for their desired products and services, without having to leave the first page of the Google search, providing instant connections through a chat, or phone call, would, in theory, help ensure the most relevant and timely answers for the searcher.   That being said, the days of “let them leave a message on my business line and I will call them back” are long gone.  Most internet searches and especially running online advertising, people are looking for instant results/connection.  It is a similar mindset to those who would simply go to the phonebook, start at A under a specific industry and call right down the list until they speak to someone who can help.  By the time you call a lead back, they have spoken to 3 other attorneys and have most likely signed a retainer agreement. 

Google My Business along with Google’s Local Service Ads, are both utilizing this type of interaction score to rank either listing, at the time of a search, based on the business’ responses in the last 7-28 days.   

This is why now more than ever, an answering service is essential to:

  1. Provide live answering – potentially 24/7 especially for Personal Injury or Criminal Law Lawyers.
  2. The first line of qualification is to cut through some of the marketing and spam calls to keep your attention focused on qualified calls, first and foremost.
  3. Overflow phone support for when your internal staff are busy to ensure new opportunities do not get missed and even when your team might be a bit overwhelmed, this is never visible to those trying to interact with the firm.

Keep in mind: Call centers are not a full replacement for your intake specialist or receptionist.  They are simply support and overflow.  Call centers can be great for your first line of answering, but there are hundreds of call centers out there and to find the right one for your needs, is essential, upfront.   

Having worked with many call centers throughout the United States, there are those like Alert Communications, which are on the higher end of the pricing spectrum, but are legal specific, and depending upon your area of law, have options to not only qualify but have client retainers signed.

Every law firm is different and every lawyer needs an answering solution, based on their goals and needs.   If you are unsure where to start or simply want to get an overview of the options from a 3rd party source, give us a call today.