Google Local Services Ads Are About To Take The Healthcare Industry By Storm.
Google is ramping up their Local Services Ads Platform to take on the healthcare industry.
ADSQUIRE, a Google partner agency, just spotted new categories added to the Google local services ads platform as well as a number of additional policy changes that they believe are about to open up this ad platform for growth in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors.
In March of this year, Google announced that it was opening up the Local Services Ads platform to the healthcare industry by adding the dental profession, but we have recently seen them add a number of additional healthcare categories.
These new categories include: Allergist, Chiropractor, Dermatologist, Dietician, Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, Orthodontist, Physical Therapist, Podiatrist and Primary Care Physician.

This in turn with moves that Google has made in the past few years related to healthcare lead us to believe that this may also tie in with the pharmaceutical industry in the near future. Google recently added a policy manager section to the Local Services Ads Platform as well as the ad transparency center. Both of these moves signal that Google will increase certifications, and policy violations related to the Local Services Ads platform. While there are a few policy requirements currently we suspect these additions will be related more heavily with the healthcare industry.
Last year Google finished their acquisition of Fitbit and this year they have partnered with the mayo clinic and other high profile healthcare networks to begin experimenting with Generative Ai in healthcare.
ADSQUIRE is a leading provider of Google ads and Google Local Services advertising platforms. They have managed over $80 Million dollars in ad spend and are experts in Local Services Ads having given several masterclasses and keynote speeches to industry pros. If you need help with setting up and optimizing your Local Services Ads Call them at 267 -777-8004.
Here is a screenshot of the new policy manager recently added to all Local Services Ads profiles (Below). We think the addition of the policy manager section could be related to increased regulation and policy disapprovals related to the healthcare industry.

The new ad transparency center inside of the Google Local Services Ads platform. It does not currently show advertisers ads or settings but we think they are working on that functionality and it should be rolled out shortly.

From the AD Engineers at ADSQUIRE.