Google Ads Account Strategist – What Every Advertiser Needs To Know

If you are running ads on Google, have you noticed the recent uptick in calls from Google Ads Account Strategists.   They are not only calling the account managers but the clients directly about their Google Ads accounts.   We would like to clarify who these folks are and their goals when contact you 3-5 times a week.   One might think, “OOO it’s Google, they want to help my campaign and in-turn, my business”.   You would not be further from the truth.

Who Are Google Ads Account Strategist?

Google Ads Account Strategist: is a title we have heard time and time again from 3rd party vendors for Google Ads.  These are 99.98% of the time, since 2021, a 3rd party agent of Regalix or Teleperformance.

Google Account Managers: Back before 2016, there were Google Account Managers that would try and force adoptions of the new Google Ads features but they would actually try (and most times be successful) to help when you had an actual account issue.   

Account Manager: This can be a freelancer, in-house marketing staff or an outside marketing company, hired to run the business’s PPC campaigns.

The “sneaky” Terms Used By Google Ads Account Strategists

Account Health or Hygiene: The account health and/or hygiene is used by these 3rd parties to now describe when an account does not have the implementation rate of the Google recommendations.  

Upgrade: You will see this in relation to ad formats, keywords, bidding and campaign types.  We can not begin to stress the importance of testing new types of ad formats, bidding strategies and campaign types, before ever ‘upgrading’ anything in an account.

What are Google Auto-Apply Recommendations?

Auto-Apply Recommendations:   This is a big no no.    Any self-respecting, digital marketer would never accept auto recommendation in their clients’ accounts… why?   

Let’s put it this way:  IF you got a new doctor.   Your medical records were transferred but they have never met you and examined you, let alone run any diagnostic testing.   At the first appointment, they walk in the room, say “Hello” and immediately follow up with, “I am going to need you to change your diet, your sleeping habits and here is a new medication you need to start taking daily.  I am also adding you to our new auto-prescription policy, which will allow me to diagnose, prescribe and have your pharmacy fill and ship new medications to your house as I see fit.   With the data I have on all my patients, I really do not need to see you, but rather I can make high level decisions for what is right for all my patients.   Why do you ask, so I can save you time from having to come in to see me twice a year.  And think of all the time you will save from having to go get testing done if we do find anything wrong!

NO!   YOU would run out of that office as quickly as possible.   The same holds true for an “account strategist” who does not know, understand or have any experience with your business’s industry, market or brand.

Keep in mind, Auto-Applied Recommendations are different then auto-suggestions. Learn how to turn off auto-suggestions here.

What does this mean for advertisers?   

Remember, these 3rd party account strategists whose focus and job is one thing, to get the account recommendations implemented.

  • They do NOT know your industry.
  • They do NOT know your clients’ business or goals.  
  • Most do NOT know how the Google Ads advertising platform works.  

What should you do when you receive a call from a Google Account Strategist? 

It is essential when anyone calls and identifies themselves as a Google Ads Account Strategist with Google,   “Do you work for google or a partner with google?”   They should follow up with “partner with Google” and this is when we always follow up with “Regalix or Teleperformance”   . If this was an email, you should see the identifying company under their photo.

So when you receive a call from one of these, the best thing to do is tell them, politely (the first 3 times) to stop contacting you regarding the account and do not contact the client directly.

One of the sneakiest tactics we have seen is 3rd party reps going around the actual account manager hired to manage the account and contacting the clients directly.  I have even seen where they have gotten lucky and caught a client off-guard who then proceeded to accept all AUTO recommendations.

The reality is, it is Google Ads’ goal and focus to increase quarterly revenue growth.   At ADSQUIRE, we believe in staying on-top of the latest Google changes to increase our clients’ revenue, not Google’s by best utilizing their advertising dollars. Learn more about Search Engine Marketing from ADSQUIRE.

From the AD Engineers at ADSQUIRE.